According to a study by Infobip, one in four people have already used chatbots for customer service in banking apps, stores, or e-commerce. ...
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Do Your Customers Like Your Voicebot? Learn How to Optimize It
Deciding to adopt a voicebot to assist or replace human service is a challenge for most companies. That’s why we’ve created this article to help your business with this task.
To create the ideal voicebot for your brand and customers, it is essential to find the most suitable tone and voice and to create and optimize possible responses to offer automated yet humanized service.
And of course, the most important thing: your customer service through a voicebot must resolve customer issues quickly and practically, freeing your human agents to handle the most critical or high-value cases.
What is a Voicebot?
Voicebots are conversational robots that, using technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computational Linguistics, can conduct complex interactions with customers through voice. Leveraging AI, voicebots can learn from customers to perform high-level and fluent interactions, minimizing the need for company consultants.
Why Does Your Business Need a Voicebot?
The primary purpose of developing a voicebot is to automate simple, repetitive, and predictable tasks, which can be employed throughout the customer’s purchase journey. This allows human agents to focus on activities that require decision-making and discernment, which are uniquely human skills.
With a voicebot, your business can speed up customer service, free up agents’ time, reduce staffing costs, engage, retain, and build loyalty among customers, identify failures, and generate data on interactions.
Moreover, with a voicebot, your company can provide customer support 24/7, year-round.
If your business faces one or more issues that can be solved through a voicebot and has well-defined services and/or products with customers who will use the channel hosting the voicebot, then this is the ideal solution for your company.
How to Create and Optimize Your Voicebot?
Here are 10 tips to create and optimize your voicebot!
- Know and Understand Your Customer
Before developing your voicebot, it is essential to know and understand your customers’ desires and needs and identify the platforms they prefer.
Do they shop more on e-commerce platforms or apps? Do they prefer to be served via WhatsApp or phone? Do they engage more on Facebook or Instagram? Answering these questions is crucial for creating and later optimizing your customer service bot.
- Restructure Your Customer Service
Whether by optimizing processes or using technological solutions, it’s crucial to meet customer demands quickly and efficiently by integrating the voicebot into the process as complementary support for your service team.
- Define Your Purpose Clearly
Involvement and purpose definition are prerequisites for successfully implementing a voicebot, which will automate customer service but needs a clear direction aligned with your company’s objectives. This helps your audience have fewer doubts about your products and/or services.
- Add Value to Your Voicebot
Go beyond pre-programmed responses. Enhance the value of your voicebot by using it not only to answer questions and solve problems. Proactively use your voicebot to offer tips, promote offers and updates, send birthday messages, provide second copies of bills, schedule appointments, handle exchanges/returns, update customer information, etc.
- Pay Attention to Your Voicebot’s Personality
A voicebot imitates a human being, so it must have a personality. Conduct research and interviews with your customers before defining the ideal voice, and carefully craft the tone your voicebot uses during interactions.
Remember: a conversation with your bot should be clear, objective, and pleasant, while also building empathy and trust.
- Choose the Gender Carefully
Here, it’s worth basing your decision on data. Would your male customers prefer to be assisted by men or women? And what about your female customers? It’s important to know these preferences to define the voice actor’s gender for your bot.
- Consider Accents and Slang
If your company operates only in the South, for example, consider hiring a voice actor from that region. The same applies to other regions. However, if your business operates nationwide, it’s ideal to find a voice that is easily understood by all. Be cautious with slang, as it can be a positive or negative differentiator depending on how sensibly it’s used.
- Create All Possible Responses
In addition to crafting a wide range of possible responses, your voicebot also needs to understand all the potential questions your customers may ask, no matter how unusual they are.
If the best response is “Unfortunately, I can’t assist you. I will transfer your contact to an agent,” make sure to include it. After all, it’s better to request human intervention than to leave the customer without help.
- Don’t Worry About Patterns
It doesn’t matter the order of the customer’s questions—what matters is how your voicebot directs the interaction. Focus on addressing doubts and resolving customer issues, even if the conversation doesn’t follow a typical script.
- Create Rules for Key Use Cases
Rules such as transferring to an agent or moving to another interaction are essential for voicebot automation. For instance, if the bot doesn’t understand the question, it should ask the customer to rephrase it. Failing to define rules may disrupt the service process.
Follow these steps to create or optimize your company’s voicebot. With these tips, your voicebot will be a success!
Thank you for reading. See you soon!
Also read: Chatbots: A Passing Fad or Not?